Most Common Problems of Steel Fences

Most Common Problems of Steel Fences - Chainwire Fencing Newcastle

Steel fences are now common in Newcastle and the Hunter Valley. They are ideal for our dry inland climate, not to mention that many homes or building owners enjoy the versatility and durability of steel fences. In fact, a steel fence is one of the strongest fences available today. It is durable enough to withstand bumps or other strong forces. This makes it less susceptible to accidents compared to other types of fences like wood or aluminium.

One thing to note is that, just like any other building structure, there are still some problems you must watch out for when it comes to steel fences. Regular monitoring and proper maintenance are needed to avoid problems and make your steel fence last longer. Below are some of the most common problems of a steel fence you must look after.

The steel fence may shift position over time.

The ground that holds up and supports your steel fence naturally moves over time especially if it is soil or dirt. After a number of years, loosening of the land may cause your fence to droop at certain sections, which is not only unattractive to look at but also affects the stability or functionality of your steel fence.

There are also other environmental factors which may shift the position of your fences, such as strong winds or severe weather like hurricanes or windstorms. Fence posts which are set on concrete are more stable, though you may need to break the footing and dig them out if the fence still shifts. Bent or twisted portions of your steel fence can be hammered back into shape.

Fence gates may not open or swing easily.

It may become difficult to open your gate if it is poorly lubricated. Moving parts must be oiled regularly, especially after rains or a long period of not being used. Sometimes, repair or replacement of the hinges or latches will be needed. As such, it is best to keep an eye on your fence gate and check from time to time that it is open smoothly, to avoid having to replace the gate itself, the gate posts, or some sections of your fence.

The fence rail may also become loose through time. It can be supported by T braces; otherwise, the entire fencing section must be removed and then the fence rail replaced.

Rust and other grimy stains may settle on your steel fence.

It is normal for your steel fence to rust eventually, especially if it is exposed to large amounts of moisture, heavy rain, or salt water. You may need to regularly repaint your steel fence. A rust-inhibiting primer works well, just make sure to sand or wire brush your fence before applying the primer. You can quickly repaint your fence with spray paint. Brushing can take extra time and effort, but it produces a more durable and longer lasting finish.

Stains are usually removable with the use of a stain removal solution. To make one, mix a cup of household detergent and one gallon of warm water, wash the fence and then rinse it with a hose. Grime and other stains may also be removed through pressure washing.

Most Common Problems of Steel Fences - Steel Fence

Some problems are unavoidable, and the quality of your fence will naturally deteriorate over time due to wear and tear. Make sure to repair small problems right away to avoid major repairs or replacements. Do not hesitate to ask fencing specialist for assistance when it comes to common problems of your steel fence because taking matters into your own hands may cost you more in the long run.