Choosing the Right Chainwire Fencing for Your Property: Factors to Consider

Choosing the Right Chainwire Fencing for Your Property_ Factors to Consider

Find the most suitable chainwire fence for your needs.

Chainwire fences are highly popular in Australia. They are made of metal wires that are woven into an open mesh. Known for their versatility, chainwire fencing can be installed for various applications, including residential, commercial, rural, and industrial fencing.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Chainwire Fence

Things to Consider When Choosing a Chainwire Fence

There are plenty of options when choosing a chainwire fence. To get started, we’ve  listed all the factors that go into selecting the right fencing.


Chainwire fences are made of either aluminium or stainless steel. Aluminium is cheaper and easier to install, but stainless steel is rustproof and can withstand harsh weather.


There are two options for coating chain wire mesh: galvanised and PVC.

Galvanised mesh is 30% to 50% cheaper than PVC-coated mesh. However, the salt in the air can quickly break down the zinc coating of galvanised wire. Therefore, PVC-coated chainwire fence is highly recommended for properties that are located along the coast since it is designed with protection against rust and corrosion.

Moreover, PVC coating looks much better than galvanised wire, so it might be worth the extra cost in terms of aesthetics.

Most chain wire mesh is built with 2.5mm-diameter hot dip galvanised wire. There is also a 3.15mm variety for commercial applications that require heavier-duty fencing.


There are different designs for chain wire fences. Some have large gaps between them for an airier feel, whilst some have a more solid design for extra privacy.


Wire gauge is an important consideration when choosing the right chainwire fencing as this determines the strength of the mesh.

Thick wires have a lower gauge. For example, commercial fencing often requires a wire gauge of 6, while temporary fencing can be built with a 13-gauge wire.

Roll Height

Chain wire mesh also comes in heights ranging from 600mm to 3600mm. Rolls measuring 1200mm to 1800mm are common for residential fencing, while mesh that is 1800mm to 2700mm tall is ideal for applications that require enhanced security. For enclosures like tennis court fencing, the height is typically 3000mm to 3600mm.


The top and bottom of a chainwire fence come in three varieties. Most suppliers stock knuckle/barb and knuckle/knuckle selvedge, while the barb/barb selvedge is often made to order.

The knuckle/barb selvedge is more difficult to climb, making them ideal for securing a commercial property.

If the fencing is for homes where children and animals play around, a knuckle/knuckle selvedge is the better choice.

Grid Size

Another attribute to consider is grid size. Like other factors, this will depend on the purpose for which the chainwire fence is built.

Residential homes are typically secured with a large mesh, while recreational spaces use medium mesh. For securing industrial complexes, a small mesh is ideal.

Diamond Size

There are plenty of diamond sizes available for chainwire fencing. The most common are 50mm and 60mm but suppliers typically stock as small as 25mm to as large as 100mm. Maximum diamond sizes of 1800mm would require pre-ordering as these are not commonly sold.

Posts and Rails

Most chain wire fencing is latched onto galvanised steel posts, but there is also an option to build timber posts. These structures are available in varying thicknesses, lengths, and colours.

Ready-to-use posts usually measure 6500mm in length, of which 600mm is drilled into the ground. For corner posts, end posts, and gate posts, the diameter is usually thicker, especially for security gates.

Most posts come with black, green, or galvanised coatings, typically matching the colour of the chain wire mesh. Coloured coatings are around 30% more expensive and are often made to order.

On top of the fence are horizontal rails that help brace the posts, while a bottom rail prevents people and dogs from sneaking under the fence.

Barbed Wire

Another option for added security is installing several strands of barbed wire above the mesh to discourage anyone from climbing over. The barbed wire can either be attached to the posts or on an extension clamp.

Post Fittings

Putting the chainwire fence together requires different types of fittings. The most common chain wire post fittings are fixed 4-way corner, 3-way angle tee, fixed angle 4-way cross, post caps, post flanges, gate hinges, and gate latches.


Most fencing companies supply chainwire mesh with a gate. These openings range from 1 to 6 metres in width and are 1000mm to 1800mm tall. Of course, custom-designed gates are available made-to-order.

Gate frames are often powder coated, attached to timber or steel posts, and secured with hinge and latch sets. Adding barbed wire along the top is also an option to keep intruders away.


Finally, it is also important to consider maintenance when choosing a chainwire fence. Expenses do not stop at installation – keeping fences in top condition also requires money, and these ongoing costs last the entire lifetime of the fence.

Low-maintenance chainwire fences make the initial investment worth it, even if the upfront costs are high. Pick a fence that can withstand the harsh Australian weather and last a very long time.

Bonus tip: Be sure to select chainwire fencing that is compliance with AS2343, or the Australian Standard for chain wire mesh products.

Chainwire Fencing Specialist is your trusted fencing partner in Newcastle

Chainwire Fencing Specialist is your trusted fencing partner in Newcastle.

There are plenty of options when it comes to chainwire fencing. When choosing a contractor, consider the cost and quality of designing and installing a chainwire fence, as well as the reputation and experience of the fencing supplier.

If you live in the Newcastle area, Chainwire Fencing Specialist is a name you can trust. We have two decades of experience providing bespoke services for chainwire fencing, catering to the needs of residential, commercial, and industrial clients.

If you want to see some of our past work, visit our online gallery or browse through our range of fencing services. You can also ask for a quote or book an appointment at 02 4023 5416.