Can You Install Fencing on Uneven Ground?

Can You Install Fencing on Uneven Ground?

Although more complicated, fencing installation on uneven ground is not impossible

Fencing a crucial element of a private property. It provides both security and privacy to property owners. Yet, many people find installing fencing complicated because many rural or urban properties sit on uneven ground.

Still, a less-than-flat topography should not prevent property owners from installing property fencing. There are ways to make uneven topography work with fencing. Read on to find out more about how.

Is it easy to find flat land lots?

In both urban and rural areas, completely flat land lots are uncommon – most large outdoor spaces come with uneven terrain. In some cases, uneven ground only has slight dips and rises of a few inches, in which case it is fairly easy to install the required fencing. There may be gaps at the bottom of the fence panels, but this can be solved by filling the gap manually.

However, fencing installation can become problematic when the ground has larger dips or slopes. In this situation, it is best to either level the surface or work with the slope.

Why is it harder to install fencing on properties with uneven ground?

Why is it harder to install fencing on properties with uneven ground?

Fencing generally consist of three parts: Vertical posts, horizontal rails, and vertical pickets. On flat ground, your local fencing installers will drive the vertical posts to the ground to support the rails. Then they will place the horizontal rails between the posts to hold the pickets. The installers will then attach the pickets, which can be open or sealed, to the rails to complete the fence. With uneven ground, however, the difference in elevation makes it challenging to connect the posts to the pickets and rails.

What are the most common ways to deal with an uneven slope?

What are the most common ways to deal with an uneven slope?

Fortunately, there are various ways to fix this problem. Property owners should assess the lot before installing the desired fencing. There are 3 ways to deal with uneven slopes– click on each option below to find out more:

  • Ask the building contractor to make the ground flat and even.
  • Make slight modifications on the ground level.
  • Leave the slopes untouched.

Ask the building contractor to make the ground flat and even

Property owners can ask the contractor to level their ground and make it even, which will provide a firmer foundation for future construction and make the fence installation process faster and easier for the fencing contractor.

Make slight modifications on the ground level

Property owners can also slightly modify the ground to make the slopes and dips less drastic, which can make the dips and rises on the ground more manageable. With this type of ground level, there will be no need for complicated fencing installation methods.

Leave the slopes untouched

Some people prefer to keep natural slopes on their property, especially in rural areas like farms or grazing spaces. In these areas, property owners will make their fences adjust to the shape of the ground. While this may be more complicated, this preserves the natural slope of the land.

There are various types of fencing installation methods available for uneven slopes. The first step is to select a local, trusted installer such as Chainwire Fencing Specialist, based in Newcastle, NSW. The next is to decide on how to deal with the slopes, taking into consideration the advantages and disadvantages we have listed below.

What are the types of fencing methods for uneven slopes?

What are the types of fencing methods for uneven slopes?

There are different types of fence installation methods for uneven slopes. Here are some of the top ways to install fencing in areas with uneven terrain:

  • Level-Topped Fence
  • Stepped Fence
  • Racked Fence.

Level-Topped Fence

This type of fencing installation method is for uneven ground with small dips and rises. Even a minor landscaping job can already set the ground for level-topped fencing installation. This fence build has a straight and level top edge.

After fencing installation, the first step in fixing the small gaps is filling the low spots with grass seed and soil. Gravel with dirt and rocks are also used to fill areas with much more significant rises or dips. Some people also plant bushes and plants along the fencing bases to hide the small gaps and irregularities. Out of the three main fencing methods, this looks the neatest and most organised.

Stepped Fence

One of the best fencing build options for areas with steep slopes is the stepped fence. In this type of fence, property owners will install each fencing panel one step up or down from each other. The placement of each panel will follow the slope in the area, creating a staircase-type look.

This method does not require major ground levelling. However, it is not as smooth and neat as level-topped fencing. The top edges of stepped fences are uneven and have pointed edges. It can therefore harm pets and children if accidents occur in those areas. Also, this method leaves a triangular space open at the bottom part between each panel.

If the fencing is for keeping smaller pets in, these triangular spaces may not be able to keep them from running away. Still, property owners can fix these holes by planting greens and shrubs or placing soil and rocks to cover them.

Racked Fence

This is one of the most challenging types of fencing installation methods. People use this on steep slopes that have major dips and rises. In this type of fencing, there is no need to level the slopes. Instead, the fencing will follow the contours of the slopes. If a stepped fence looks like a staircase, the racked fencing will look more like a slippery dip.

There will be no gaps or holes at the bottom part of the fencing with a racked fence build. However, most manufacturers only recommend this method for slopes of 10 degrees or less. Otherwise, it can have an uneven-looking appearance.

Contact Chainwire Fencing Specialist Find out the best type of fencing for your Newcastle property.

If you have a property with uneven slopes in the Newcastle area, reach out to the experts at Chainwire Fencing Specialists now! We are a dependable company specialising in chainwire fencing installations.

We can help you decide which type of build works best for your property with your budget and recommend the best type of chainwire fencing for your property’s needs.

Email us anytime at or call us on 02 4023 5416 for enquiries. Alternatively, click here to send us an online message and we will contact you right back.