Are you confused when it comes to knowing what kind of fencing is suitable for your property? There are so many options available, but if you want to watch little Johnny playing in the yard while you wash the dishes, stop would be thieves from entering your car yard or tennis balls from leaving the court, then maybe chainwire fencing is perfect for you.

Chainwire fencing is pretty common all over Australia. It is used at playgrounds, schools, shopping centres, almost everywhere that you can think of, it is used in some form or another to keep something or someone out or fence others in.

Chainwire fencing sounds like a boring subject to explore in historical context, but when you realise the ingenuity, it is interesting—after all, many chainwire fencing manufacturers, installers and sellers are making a career from those of us that need fencing. Perhaps you could say that we take chainwire fencing for granted. It is all around us, to the point we don’t even notice it, until it stops us from entering or exiting.

A Brief History

Chainwire fencing originated in the United Kingdom; production began with Charles Barnard of Norwich. The Norwich area, well known for the manufacture of cloth, is partially responsible for how fencing was first constructed. By means of the cloth weaving process, woven fence sprang forth. Banard created the method for manufacturing chainwire fencing based on the process of cloth weaving machinery.

As part owner of Barnard, Bishop & Barnard of Norwich, Barnard established a subsidiary specifically to manufacture chainwire fencing; the first fence to roll of the line was created 1844.

Anchor Fence Company, introducing fencing to the USA, adopted Barnard’s fence weaving process. They were the first company in the US to patent fencing; Anchor also bought a wire bending machine from the Barnard in 1845.

What’s in a Name?

What Australians call chainwire fencing, Americans call chainlink fence. Chainwire fencing has many names: cyclone fence, chain mesh, mesh, chain link or security. Wikipedia defines chainwire as:

A chain-link fence (also referred to as wire netting, wire-mesh fence, chain-wire fence, cyclone fence, hurricane fence, or diamond-mesh fence) is a type of woven fence usually made from galvanized or LLDPE-coated steel wire.

The wires run vertically and are bent into a zig-zag pattern so that each “zig” hooks with the wire immediately on one side and each “zag” with the wire immediately on the other. This forms the characteristic diamond pattern seen in this type of fence.

Chain-link fencing Wikipedia –

Where can Chainwire Fencing be Used?

Anywhere and everywhere; there is almost no limit as to where this kind of fencing can be used. Do you want a great trivia question? During WW2 there was a shortage of steel, so many property owners replaced steel fences with fencing so that they could recycle the steel for other uses.  Nowadays chainwire fencing can be used for:

  • Gardens as a perimeter fence;
  • Rural locations for a variety of purposes;
  • Cricket batting cages;
  • Tennis courts;
  • Secure storage cages;
  • Schools;
  • Animal enclosures;
  • Go Cart Tracks.

Because chainlink fence is so versatile, the lists of possibilities are endless.

The Benefits of Chainwire Fencing

There are three main reasons for choosing chainwire fencing:

  • Secure – chainwire fencing is the perfect choice in areas that require security; it provides visibility, is weather proof, an all around economical deterrent.
  • For maximum deterrence, plan for a taller fence with the addition of barbed wire strands to repel fence climbers.
  • Low maintenance; chainwire fence is durable; occasionally, depending on the age, every decade or so, it may need to be re-stretched so it does not sag.
  • Chainwire fencing is an obvious solution for any budget.

Chainwire fencing is an amazing product that may just be the ideal option for your fencing needs. Whether you need to keep something dangerous or threatening out or someone precious in, chainlink fencing could provide you with a long term, economical solution.

With low maintenance and the ability to be adapted to whatever height suits your purpose, this multipurpose fencing material is the first choice for many when it comes to safety and security.